Birding Trails Florida
Sunday, 30 August 2009
If you’re into birding
finding new trails is always an enjoyable task. Here’s a primer on birding trails in Florida.
Birding Trails – Florida
It goes without saying that Florida is a rather large state. The following birding trails represent a mere sample of what is out there
but are proven birding spots. With that being said
let’s get on with it.
1. St. Joseph’s Peninsula Park – Over 247 species of birds can be seen on the trails at St. Joseph’s. The real attraction
happens every October and September. During this period
hawks and falcons are all over the park as they migrate from northern areas to the Gulf of Mexico for the winter season. You can expect to see sharp-shinned hawks
broad wing hawks and even a few copper hawks. If you’re lucky
you can sight one of the smaller numbers of red-shoulder hawks
red-tail hawks and the elusive
endangered Peregrine Falcon.
2. Bahia Honda State Park – If shorebirds and wading birds are a delight to you
Bahia Honda offers birding trails with excellent sighting potential. Shorebirds include Plovers
Sanderlings and Willets to mention a few. Wading birds are plentiful and you can expect to glimpse a wide variety. Plentiful species include herons
ibis and egrets. During summer
you may be able to catch a glimpse of the endangered White crowned Pigeon in the local trees along the trail.
3. Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park – Kissimmee Prairie is very popular
so you probably already know about it. Nonetheless
in the recent past the Park has become the home of a new species
the White-Tail Kite.
4. Big Shoals State Park – Big Shoals is an excellent birding park with a wide variety of species. On the birding trails
you can expect to see egrets
wrens and swallows to mention only a few. If your karma is good and you’re having a good day
you may also see bald eagles
northern mockingbirds
scarlet tanagers and indigo buntings. Wild turkeys are plentiful as are wading and shore birds.
Florida is a great state for birding. This list is only a small sample of bird trails
buy should you get started on adding to your life list.
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